Upcoming concerts:
5: With Sigbjørn Apeland, Ølen (N)
6: With Lumen Drones and Synne Garvik, Utsira (N)
8: Building Bridges, Hamar (N)
15: Solo, London Jazz Festival (UK)
16: With Henrik Økland, London Jazz Festival (UK)
24: With Berit Opheim and Sigbjørn Apeland, Lærdal (N)
25: With Torbjørn Økland Band, Oslo (N)
6: With Sigbjørn Apeland, Copenhagen (DK)
15: With Berit Opheim, "Helgasong " Ål (N)
16: With Berit Opheim, "Helgasong" (N)
17: With Berit Opheim, "Helgasong" Bergen (N)
18: With Berit Opheim, "Helgasong" Voss (N)
19:With Berit Opheim, "Helgasong" Dale (N)
Previous concerts:
4: Building Bridges, Bratislava (SK)
9: With Scene Nord, Leknes (N)
10: With Scene Nord, Harstad (N)
11: With scene Nord, Tromsø (N)
12: With Scene Nord, Storslett (N)
13: With Scene Nord, Langfjordbotn (N)
14: With Nils Økland Band , Bergen (N)
19: With Kristin Skaare , Nesodden (N)
27: With Sigbjørn Apeland, Voss (N)
20: With Torbjørn Økland Band, Frugård, Stord (N)
26: With Sigbjørn Apeland, London (UK)
27: With Sigbjørn Apeland, Bristol (UK)
28: With Sigbjørn Apeland, Southampton (UK)
29: With Ragnhild Gudbrandsen," Babettes", Fjell Church, Sotra (N)
4: With Sigbjørn Apeland, Bryne (N)
11: With Ruben Machtelinckx, Terdilft Culturcentrum (B)
12: With Sigbjørn Apeland, Gent (B)
19: With Eli Storbekken, Tolga (N)
9: With Torbjørn Økland, Nesheimtunet, Nedre Vats (N)
15: With Elin Furubotn, Sandeid (N)
10: With Ketil Bjørnstad, "Jag etter vind", Oslo (N)
13: With Elin Furubotn, Ryvarden, Sveio (N)
14: With Elin Furubotn, Ryvarden, Sveio (N)
17: With Ruben Machtelinckx, Turnhout (B)
24: With Ruben Machtelinckx, Vlaanderen (B)
28: With Sigbjørn Apeland, Budapest, (H)
6: Oslo Domkirke Draumkvedet with Consortium Vocale, Oslo (N)
20: With Sigbjørn Apeland, "Jazz food and wine" With Finn Lothe, Haugesund (N)
26: With Sigbjørn Apeland, Suldal (N)
8: With Per Karang, Ila Church, Oslo (N)
16: With Eilif Moe, Kjetil Lundø, Vegard Fossum and Henrik Økland Lørdagsjazzen, Haugesund (N)
7: With Jozef Lupták Ensemble, Building Bridges, Riksscenen- Oslo (N)
8: With Jozef Lupták Ensemble, Building Bridges, Spor 5, Stavanger (N)
23: With Eli Storbekken, Riksscenen , Oslo(N)
17: With Sigbjørn Apeland, Lillestrøm (N)
19: With Sigbjørn Apeland, Kolbotn (N)
20: With Kristin Skaare, M (N)
17: With Sigbjørn Apeland, Leegro Markedal (B)
19: With Building Bridges 2 and Nils Økland Band (SLO)
24: Bergen Kirkeauttunale, (N)
26: With:Dobrila Graseska,Liv Ulvik andDorian Jovanovic,Vangen kyrkje, Aurland (N)
27:With:Dobrila Graseska,Liv Ulvik andDorian Jovanovic,Leikanger kyrkje (N)
28:With:Dobrila Graseska,Liv Ulvik andDorian Jovanovic,Hove kyrkje, Vik (N)
05: With Elin Furubotn og Javid Afsari Rad, Elverum (N)
13: With Synne Garvik and Lumen Drones , Sildajazz, Haugesund (N)
20: With Torbjørn Økland and Henrik Økland, Hønefoss (N)
27: With kristin Skåre "Lysne". Asker Kirke (N)
1: With Ragnhild Gudbrandsen, "babettes Gjestebud", Baroniet i Rosendal (N)
11: With Sigbjørn Apeland and Cantamo, Bergen (N)
16: With Ragnhild Gudbrandsen, "Babettes Gjestebud" Breim Kyrkje (N)
18: With Sigbjørn Apeland , Release-concert "Glimmer" Bedehuset på Bakarøy", Haugesund (N)
26- 29: Båstad Kamermusikkfestival " Oriental Winds Of The Barouque" Båstad (N)
04: Duo with Henrik Økland, Odda (N)
06: Balejazz- Balestrand, Draumkvedet with Berit Opheim, Sigbjørn Apeland and Karl Seglem (N)
15: Nils Økland Band, Hanover, (D)
16: Nils Økland Band, Gent (B)
17: With Ruben Machtelinckx and Sigbjørn Apeland, Roborst, (B)
22: WithJozef Luptak,Boris Lenko andBrano Dugovic, Building Bridges,Banská Bystrica (SVK)
26: With Tord Gustavsen and Andrea Brein Hovig, Tanum, (N)
18: With Johanna Zwaig and Ragnar Heyerdal, Oslo (N)
Chansons Internationales // NORDISK AFTEN // Røverstaden
10: With Kristin Skaare. Moss (N)
15: At Borealis Festival, with Berit Opheim and Sigbjørn Apeland, Bergen (N)
Tour with Sigbjørn Apeland
24: Bergen (N)
25: Jølster (N)
26: Øystese (N)
8: With Eli Furubotn Band, Haugesund (N)
25: With Sigbjørn Apeland, Geiranger (N)
8:With Berit Opheim and Rolf Lislevand, Oslo (N)
4: With Ragnhild Gudbrandsen , Babettes Gjestebud , Bergen (N)
4: Vintertun, Haugesund Folkebibliotek, Haugesund (N)
5: With Sigbjørn Apeland, Ogna Scene, Rogaland (N)
13: With Solfrid Molland, Håpets Kappe Bergen (N)
18-19: U/Kjent Territorium, Alta (N)
27: With Ragnhild Gudbrandsen, Babettes Gjestebud, Bergen (N)
17: With Engegård Quartet, Edinburgh UK
20: With Tord Gustavsen, Lysvesper Sagene Kirke, Oslo (N)
22: Fram-festivalen: with Engegård-quartet and with Sigbjørn Apeland, Nesodden, Oslo (N)
30: With Ragnhild Gudbrandsen, Babettes Gjestebud, Haugesund
22: Bergen Kirkeattunale, with Janne Mark
23: Bergen Kirkeattunale, with Knut C Jansson and Juan Qin
24: Bergen Kirkeattunale, with Sigbjørn Apeland
07/08/09: Røldalspelet, Røldal (N)
11: With Henrik Økland, Hønefoss, (N)
04: With Ragnhild Gudbrandsen, "Babettes Gjestebud", Gulen (N)
11: With Engegaardkvartetten, Oxford (GB)
19: With Ragnhild Gudbrandsen, "Babettes Gjestebud" , Fusa (N)
28: Oriental Winds of the Barouque, Kunstparken, Risør (N)
07: With Sigbjørn Apeland, Balejazz, Balestrand (N)
10: With Linus/VanHeertum/Zach, Vossajazz, Voss (N)
27:Ketil Bjørnstad , Festiviteten Haugesund (N)
19: Soloconsert , Hugnadsheim (N)
24: With Henrik Økland , Sentralbadet, Odda(N)
20: With Nils Økland Band, Vinterjazz, Alice, Copenhagen (DK)
14: With Sigbjørn Apeland, Kode, Bergen (N)
24: With Engegård String Quartet, The Queens Haal, Edinburg (GB)
9: With Sigbjørn Apeland at Troldhaugen, Bergen (N)
5: Kveldshymner, Haugesund, Skåre kirke (N)
6: Kveldshymner, Kvinnherad kyrkje, Rosendal (N)
7: Kveldshymner, Kabuso Øystese (N)
13: With Engegård-Quartet, Roskilde ( DK )
14: With Linus/Van Heertum/Zach,Wagehuys, Leuven( B )
15: With Linus /Van Heertum/ Sach, Handelsbeurs, Gent ( B )
16: Linus/ Van Heertum / Sach, Ter Dilft, Bornem
23:Kveldshymner , Haaheim Gård (N)
3: Nils Økland Band, Punkt Festivalen (N)
3: Nils Økland og Sigbjørn Apeland, Fana, Vestland (N)
11-15: Festival artist, Sildajazz festival (N)
22: Nils Økland Band, Oslo Jazzfestival (N)
8: Nils Økland og Sigbjørn Apeland, Kongsberg jazzfestival (N)
13: Nils Økland og Mats Eilertsen, Slidredomen, Vestre Slidre (N)
22: Lumen Drones, Molde jazzfestival (N)
4: Lumen Drones, Festspillene i Bergen (N)
11: Winding, med Halvor Lillesund og Torbjørn Økland, Agatunet
12: Winding, med Halvor Lillesund og Torbjørn Økland, Sauda
13: Winding, med Halvor Lillesund og Torbjørn Økland, Moster Kyrkje, Bømlo
19: Røldalspelet
20: Røldalspelet
10:With Sigbjørn Apeland- "Alt blir bra" - Café Opera Bergen (N)
22: With Solveig Slettahjell, Vinje Kirke, Heim (N)
15: With Nils Økland Band, Skien (N)
16: With Nils Økland Band, Hønefoss (N)
24: With Nils Økland Band, Victoria, Oslo (N)
11: With Hildegunn Riise, Hadeland (N)
08: With Lumen Drones , Sildajazz, Høvleriet, Haugesund (N)
05: With Marina Johansson. Celebration of Ole Bull´s 210 th birthday." Bedehuset på Bakarøy" Haugesund (N)
06:Lumen Drones- Landmark- Bergen(N)
07:Lumen Drones - Blå- Oslo(N)
06: Draumkvedet med Berit Opheim, Rolf Lislevand og Consortium Vocale.
14: With Bygdelagskoret Blåne, Oslo (N)
06 : With Sigbjørn Apeland, Røros, (N)
07: With Sigbjørn Apeland, Uppsala (S)
09: With Lumen Drones, Haugesund (N)
16: Solo, Daylight Music/ London Jazzfestival (GB)
24: With Harald Hårfagre Kammerorkester, Munor, Haugesund (N)
28: With Solveig Slettahjell, Rennebu (N)
06:With Nils Økland Band, St Nicholas Collegiate Church, Galway (IRL)
16: With Randi Tytingvåg Trio, Stavanger Konserthus, Stavanger (N)
17: With Randi Tytingvåg Trio , Kulturkirken Jacob, Oslo (N)
19: With Lumen Drones, Haugesund (N)
27: With Alexander Hauge , Kopervik Kirke, Karmøy (N)
05: With Esbjerg Ensemble, Ribe (DK)
12: With Tord Gustavsen, Sagene Kirke, Oslo (N)
21: With Engegård Quartet, Musikk i Sentrum, Tønsberg (N)
22: With Nils Økland Band, Musikk i Sentrum, Tønsberg (N)
29: With Engegård Quartet, Troldhaugen, Bergen (N)
16: With Sigbjørn Apeland , " Blow Out" Oslo (N)
17: With Linus/Van Heertum/ Zach, Jazz Middelheim, Antwerpen (B)
24: With Sigbjørn Apeland, "Grieg in Bergen", Korskirken, Bergen (N)
04: With Nils Økland Band , "Underlig", Bergen (N)
23: Åram PLUSS , Festival , Åram, Vanylven (N)
31: With Janne Mark, "Himmelske Dager", Fermaten, Herning (DK)
05-10 : Hardanger Musikkfest, Hardanger, (N)
01: With Rolf-Erik Nystrøms- "Oriental Winds of the Baroque" Victoria - Nasjonal Jazzscene, Oslo (N)
05: With Rolf-Erik Nystrøms- " Oriental Winds of the Barouque" , Litteraturhuset , Oslo (N)
28: With Berit Opheim , Christinegaard Hovedgaard , Bergen, (N)
07: With Hanne Bramnes, Nordisk Poesifestival,Hamar (N)
09: Solo, Riksscenen , Oslo (N)
15: With Sigbjørn Apeland , Kongshaugfestivalen, Oslo (N)
Tour with Linus/ Van Heertum/ Zach:
21: Bimhus , Amsterdam (NL)
22: De Singer, Rijkevorsel (B)
23: De Singel, Antwerpen (B)
24: Legro, Markedal (B)
21: With Nils Økland Band, Bimhus, Amsterdam (NL)
22: With Nils økland Band , Paradox, Tilburg ( NL)
28: With Nils Økland Band, Arendal Jazzklubb , Arendal (N)
30: Guest with Janne Mark Quartet, Brorson Kirke, Copenhagen, (DK)
11: Kafé Hærverk , Oslo ," HUBRO presents Geir Sundstøl and Nils Økland"
26: With Kim Rysstad Band, Riksscenen, Oslo
01: With Nils Økland Band, Aarhus Festuge, Aarhus (DK)
02: With Nils Økland Band , ALICE , Brorson Krk 20.00 Copenhagen (DK)
10: With Blest at Sildajazz, Stålehuset, Haugesund
29: With Eli Storbekken, "Fabel", Tønsberg ( N)
05: Solo, Agora Rumi, Søndre Torg at Hønefoss.
15: With Munor, Tysværtunet, Aksdal, (N)
22: : With Sigbjørn Apeland Vaksdal (N)
28:: With Mari Lyssand and Sigbjørn Apeland. Os (N)
29: With Nils Økland Band Mandaljazz, Mandal (N)
30: With Kolbein Falkeid, Stålehuset, Haugesund (N)
03: With 1982, Evje, Setesdal (N)
05: With Nils Økland Band , Balejazz, Balestrand (N)
09: With Esbjerg Ensemble, Fanø Free Folk, Fanø (DK)
26: With Nils Økland Band, Nattjazz, Bergen (N)
13: With Kolbein Falkeid , Vise og Lyrikkfestivalen , Haugesund (N)
18: With Terje Isungset´s " Sildrande" , Nesodden (N)
19: With Terje Isungset´s " Sildrande" , Riksscenen, Oslo (N)
20: With Terje Isungset´s " Sildrande" , USF Bergen (N)
26: With Eli Storbekken and Sigurd Hole, Kolben, Kolbotn(N)
24: With 1982, Non-figurativ musikk, Tønsberg (N)
25: With 1982, Vossajazz, Voss (N)
16: With Nystrøm/Sereba/Andueza/ Baena, "The Oriental dawn of the Baroque" , Rjiksscenen, Oslo
18: With 1982 , Avaldsnes, Haugesund (N)
Tour with Nils Økland Band: Vestnorsk Jazzsenters Stamvegturné:
21 : Suldal Kulturhus, Sand (N)
22 : Stavanger Jazzforum (N)
23 : Hardanger Folkemuseum, Utne (N)
24 : Hordaland Teater i Logen, Bergen (N)
25 : Kunsthuset Kabuso, Øystese (N)
27: With Engegårdkvartetten Gamle Logen, Oslo (N)
02: With Philippe Pierlot, Nantes, (F)
13: With Trio Mediæval , Wigmore Hall, London, 7.30pm (GB)
14: With Trio Mediæval, Kalkmølla, Sandvika, Oslo (N)
15 : With 1982, Handelsbeurs, Ghent (BE)
19 : With 1982, Largo, Maarkedal (BE)
23 : With 1982, Nils Aas kunstverksted, Inderøy (N)
26 : With 1982, Kampenjazz, Oslo (N)
28: Nils Økland Trio with Mats Eilertsen and Rolf Erik Nystrøm Røstad Scene ,Levanger (N)
29: Nils Økland Trio with Mats Eilertsen and Rolf- Erik Nystrøm, Namsos Kulturhus, Namsos(N)
30: Nils Økland Trio with Mats Eilertsen and Rolf- Erik Nystrøm , Vårt Hjem, Steinkjer (N)
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